Search Ken Belford: Invisible Ink.
Love is a place, not a person, love is
a weather of time, a convenience to absent sorrows.
from Love
Robert Creeley.
Search Ken Belford: Invisible Ink.
“ Ken Belford died in March 2020.
This essay was written at a time when Ken had little visibility beyond a handful of poets and friends who recognized his importance as a poet. Simply, I wanted to bring attention to the fact of his intelligence and poetic skill during this part of his life.
As Charles Olson writes what does not change/is the will to change. One’s will to change may open, as it did with Ken, a new path - a divergence and personal reinvention no matter the risk for success, loss, failure and whatever else in life happens in-between.
This memoir/tribute, I hope, gives some of the complexity of his life in writing that I wanted to keep evident and alive.
Others more aware than I am of his later life and writing can ignore or argue with my presumptions and voice another version of the story from here.”
Barry McKinnon.
March 14th, 2020.